Vol 2, No 3, 2017

Research Article(s)

  • XML | PDF | downloads: 297 | views: 915 | pages: 102-106

    Ilex spinigera (Loes.) Loes widely distributed in north of Iran, has been traditionally used in malaria treatment. Up to now, this plant has not been subjected to detailed chemical constitution analysis. This paper reports the first phytochemical analysis of leaves of I. spinigera. collected in the Hyrcanian deciduous forests of N Iran. Chromatographic investigation of the methanol extract of the air dried leaves of I. spinigera afforded several triterpenes including lupeol, β-amyrin, lanosterol, taraxasterol, moretenol together with podosporin A and sandaracopimaradiene. Chemical structure of compounds were established using spectroscopic data (1H-NMR, 13C-NMR and MS), and by comparing with the literature. All of these compounds were isolated for the first time from this plant and have known pharmacological activities.

  • XML | PDF | downloads: 281 | views: 407 | pages: 107-112

    Fatigue and constipation are among the most common factors in multiple sclerosis patients. From the perspective of Persian Medicine, constipated patients are prone to fatigue and we suspected that this problem in patients with multiple sclerosis becomes more severe. The Rome III questionnaire is a valid instrument that measures the existence and severity of constipation and FSS is a scale to assess the scale of fatigue. The objective was to assess if there is an association between constipation and fatigue symptoms in patients with multiple sclerosis. Hence, 355 patients with multiple sclerosis participated in this study. Patients were divided into a constipated or non-constipated group and compared to determine the association between constipation and fatigue scores. It was seen that the level of fatigue and depression in the constipated group was significantly higher than those without constipation (P value < 0.001). According to the observed association between constipation and fatigue, and traditional Persian Medicine theories, constipation can lead to fatigue; patients with constipation had worse scores on the FSS questionnaires and future studies should assess if the treatment of constipation with suitable laxative drugs in multiple sclerosis patients leads to a reduction of fatigue.

  • XML | PDF | downloads: 481 | views: 841 | pages: 113-118

    Although Mizaj (temperament) as a basic concept is introduced by ten criteria in Persian Medicine (PM), methods of assessment and priorities of these criteria are unclear. Having expert teams with an acceptable consensus in clinical diagnosis is one of the basic requirements to design and standardize Mizaj diagnostic scales. In this cross-sectional study, three PM specialists assessed the Mizaj of 150 healthy volunteers. At the first step of this study, each participant was separately visited by raters to determine warmness-coldness and wetness-dryness. To assess the agreement between experts, Intraclass Correlation Coefficient (ICC), weighted kappa (wk) and Spearman correlation Coefficient (r) were calculated. At the second step in an expert panel discussion, agreed criteria in 10 criteria of Mizaj identification were extracted. ICC between expert was 0.62 (CI: 0.53-0.73) in warmness-coldness and 0.64 (CI: 0.56-0.72) in wetness-dryness. Wk and r between every two experts were in the range of 0.41-0.60 and 0.58-0.67, in warmness-coldness and in the range of 0.49-0.61 and 0.58-0.69 in dryness-wetness, respectively. In determining warmness-coldness of Mizaj, psychic function, impressibility speed, muscle and fat mass, physical functions and touch condition were mostly used. In addition, muscle and fat mass, touch and sleep condition were mostly used in regard with dryness-wetness aspect of Mizaj. The agreements between three experts seem acceptable. It can be concluded that the weights of 10 criteria for Mizaj assessment in PM are not equal. The aims of the future studies in this field can be weighing these criteria.

  • XML | PDF | downloads: 867 | views: 2471 | pages: 119-128

    Patients receiving mechanical ventilation, due to stress, anxiety and stimulations of tracheal intubation, experience agitation that threatens the process of mechanical ventilation and also can cause dyspnea, confusion and asthenia. Agitation control by the medications and physical restraints, brings unpleasant side effects as well. Therefore, this study was performed to determine the effect of aromatherapy with lavender oil on agitation and hemodynamic parameters in mechanically ventilated patients.
    This quasi-experimental study was performed over 40 patients under mechanical ventilation. All patients who met inclusion criteria, were recorded their hemodynamic parameters and agitation severity before the intervention and then two drops of 2% lavender essential oil were added to 200 ml of distilled water and the aromatherapy was done within one hour. Hemodynamic and agitation parameters recorded every 15 minutes during the first hour and every 30 minutes during the second and third hours. Agitation severity and hemodynamic parameters were compared before and after aromatherapy and were analyzed by statistical methods [descriptive and inferential].
    The findings showed that the scores of agitation and hemodynamic parameters, before and after aromatherapy with lavender were significant (P < 0.001). According to the results of this study, aromatherapy with lavender oil is effective on agitation and hemodynamic parameters in patients undergoing mechanical ventilation; therefore, it is suggested to be used as one of the non-drug and uncomplicated interventions in independent nursing duties to control patient’s agitation

Case Studies

  • XML | PDF | downloads: 297 | views: 477 | pages: 129-132

    Involuntary urination called urinary incontinence, is a worldwide major health problem with enormous negative consequences. Three large categories in women urinary incontinence are: stress urinary incontinence, urge urinary incontinence and mixed urinary incontinence. The diseases mechanism is seen as the muscle dysfunction of the bladder’s wall and sphincter. In Iranian Traditional Medicine literature, women urinary incontinence has two main reasons: cold and wet- temperament affecting the bladder muscle dysfunction, and relaxation of bladder sphincter. Both conditions occur due to cold-nature and humidity.We present a 53-years-old woman with chronic mixed urinary incontinence that has shown an acceptable response to simple topical heating treatments designed on the basis of Iranian Traditional Medicine to eliminate the mentioned cold and wet temperament based on relative questionnaire. After 4 weeks thermotherapy, score of disease severity improved significant. In follow of patient after 6 weeks the effect of treatment was indelible. 

  • XML | PDF | downloads: 400 | views: 977 | pages: 133-142

    Idiopathic thrombocytopenic purpura is a common disease in children and young adults, as well as being the most common cause of acute thrombocytopenia in patients with good general health status.
    The case is a 23-year-old woman with no history of disease or any type of temperament disorder. She was referred to the haematology and oncology specialists in October 2014, following a sudden drop in platelet count, and complaints regarding numerous ecchymosis lesions in the upper and lower limbs. She was admitted to the Imam Reza Hospital in Tabriz. Due to the repeated reduction of platelet count in the patient, the oncologist ordered splenectomy, which is the removal of spleen. In December 2014, she was brought to the traditional medicine clinic. Her platelet count was 17,000. The patient received health and nutritional considerations. Pharmaceutical measures, including administering medical herbs and combination drugs, were taken with the patient’s temperament and the disease status driving the course. Several practices, including cupping, massage, blood-letting, meditation, and yoga, and eventually rose water incense, were part of a compiled programme for the patient. In subsequent sessions, the platelet level considerably increased and after a month, was almost close to the normal level. After 40 days of treatment, the platelet count reached the normal level, and finally in July 2015, with full recovery of the patient, the corticosteroids and herbal medicines were completely stopped. As is evident from the monthly monitoring of the patient until September 2016, she showed no clinical or laboratory symptoms explaining thrombocytopenia, and her platelet count was at normal level. Due to the absence of signs of ecchymosis and normal level of blood platelets in paraclinical testing, it seems that the combination of modern and Iranian traditional medicine can pave the way for the treatment of a number of diseases. Hence, further studies are required in order to find a cure for different diseases, according to the doctrines of Iranian effective medicine.

Review Article(s)

  • XML | PDF | downloads: 1077 | views: 2102 | pages: 143-156

    Temperament is a key concept in comprehending the fundamentals of traditional medicine, based on which individuals are classified as healthy and ill. This principle plays an important role in determining ways to maintain good health and also in treating diseases. Recently receiving increasing attention in conventional medicine, the trend has progressed towards treating the individual rather than the illness in general. Accordingly, studies have been conducted to investigate the relationship between temperament and proteomes in the human body. This article is an attempt to review the definition and classification of temperament, its modifying factors, and categorization of dystemperaments as discussed in Traditional Persian Medicine references. Clarifying this concept has a vital role in health recognition and maintenance, treatment of diseases as well as in traditional medicine studies.