2023 CiteScore: 1.1
pISSN: 2476-5104
eISSN: 2476-5112
Hossein Rezaeizadeh, MD, PhD.
Roja Rahimi, PharmD, PhD.
Vol 4, No 2, 2019
No Abstract.
Nowadays, cancer is the second prevalent cause of mortality after cardiovascular diseases in developed and the third one in developing countries. Adverse effects of chemotherapeutic agents bring the necessity of investigating about new medications with fewer side effects. Daphne L. genus is one of the natural sources with valuable reported anticancer effects. This study aimed to assess the cytotoxic effect of some extracts from the aerial parts of Daphne pontica collected from North of Iran on cancer cell lines. Extraction of the plant material was performed by maceration (3×72 h) of 200 g of sample with petroleum ether, chloroform, ethyl acetate, and methanol, respectively. The total extract was also obtained by maceration of the sample with 80% ethanol. Different concentrations of the dried extracts were prepared to assess their cytotoxic effect by 24 h incubation of cell lines with different extracts and then MTT (dimethyl thiazolyl diphenyl tetrazolium) assay on three cancerous cell lines (MDA-MB-231, MCF-7 and T47D), performed in triplicate. IC50 was then estimated from curves constructed by plotting cell survival (%) versus sample concentration (µg/ml). Results indicated that ethyl acetate fraction of D. pontica had the most potent cytotoxic effect in MTT assay with IC50=977.46 µg/ml; while other fractions were weaker in toxicity (IC50>1000 µg/ml). By comparing to potent cytotoxic effects of other Daphne species, it seems that the cytotoxic properties of D. pontica is different from other species of this genus since according to this study, no significant antineoplastic properties against the three breast cancer cell lines were determined. Further studies on other pharmacological activities of this plant are recommended.
Premature ejaculation (PE) is one of the main sexual problems among the male population. There is a folk treatment for this ailment in a small town near Kashan, Iran. The treatment contains hydro-alcoholic extracts of Tribulus terrestris L., Rosa × damascena Herrm, Zingiber officinale Roscoe, and Crocus sativus L. in honey. The aim of this preliminary study was to evaluate the effect of the syrup on premature ejaculation. The study population was 17 outpatients visited by a traditional healer. Each patient was diagnosed clinically based on the Premature Ejaculation Diagnostic Tool (PEDT). Inclusion criteria included male participants between 20 to 60 years old, PE more than 6 months, PEDT score more than 11, IELT more than 1 minute, no severe organic disease. Exclusion criteria included taking any chemical drug during the intervention, and sexual contacts less than twice in 3 weeks. 17 male patients aged between 26-65 years old were eligible for the study according to the inclusion criteria. The patients enrolled in the study, filled out the written consent form and conditions of the research were explained. The medication (Bastibaj syrup) was administered for the patients 5 milliliters 3 times daily for 3 sequential weeks. The intravaginal ejaculatory latency time was recorded in all coitus. After the course of the intervention, the mean of IELTs before and after the intervention was compared via paired T-test. Results show that the mean IELT before the intervention (33.2 seconds) in comparison to after it (129.3 seconds) has been improved significantly (P<0.01). According to the results, the study revealed that the traditional remedy prescribed in this study, i.e. Bastibaj, can be effective in patients with premature ejaculation, and can prolong the IELT significantly
Congenital or acquired obstruction is the most common anomaly of nasolacrimal duct (NLD). NLD obstruction (NLDO) is one of the most common problems in pediatric ophthalmology. Some symptoms of NLDO are seen in 6-20% of infants. NLDO creates two problems; first is disruption in the flow of tears that is due to epiphora. Another is the infection leading to stasis of fluid in the lacrimal system. Surgery is the choice treatment of chronic congenital NLDO in the refractory infants to massage and antibiotics. Dam-e is a watery discharge of eyes that has different reasons in Persian Medicine (PM). Based on the symptoms which was seen in patients with NLDO, it could be one of the subgroups of Dam-e. Conforming to Persian Medicine, residue of materials that moves from brain to the eyes and sediments in the NLD, can be the main reason of NLDO. Our case is the thirteen-month-old infant with congenital NLDO unresponsive to antibiotics and massage and has been a candidate for surgery. In PM view, to open the lacrimal duct obstruction, we use the properties of Persian Medicine’drugs (including Honey, camphor, vinegar and sesame oil) such as fragmentation of excreta (are Moghatte in PM), anti- obstruction (Mofatteh in PM), cleansing (Monaghi in PM) and descaling (Jali in PM) effects, and the patient's symptoms were nonsurgically relieved. In the discussion of this paper, the properties of these drugs also check point of view of contemporary medicine’s viewpoints compared to Persian Medicine.
The common disorder of anal fissure is a painful linear crack in lining of anus. So-called Shiqaq-e-maghad in Persian medical manuscripts has different etiologically-oriented therapies. The aim of this study was to describe the therapeutic guideline for anal fissure in Persian Medicine. Six manuscripts including al-Hawi fi al-Tibb, Qanun fi-Tibb, Qarabadin Kabir, Tibb Akbari, Makhzan-al-Adviah and Exir-e Azam were searched using the keyword of Shiqaq-e-maghad. Although the exact etiology of anal fissure is still uncertain, it has been suggested that a local trauma may cause spasm in internal sphincter of anus leading to a local ischemia and anal fissure. Based on traditional viewpoint, dystemperament, defecation problem, hemorrhoid, inflammation, fullness of veins, and trauma are reasons of anal fissure needing four types of medication including anti-inflammatory drugs, emollients, wound healing agents, and selective remedies. Considering neglected points of traditional outlook will broaden the paths to cure anal fisher.
Asthma is a chronic inflammatory disease of the airways. In the conventional medicine, in addition drug therapy, exercise can also improve the respiratory parameters in asthma. In this article the view of Iranian Traditional Medicine (Persian Medicine) scholars on the effect of exercise in asthma is discussed. In this review article subjects related to exercise and asthma by two words ‘‘Riyazat’’ and ‘‘Rabv balghami’’ are collected from the major references of Iranian Traditional Medicine (ITM) such as Al- Havi, Cannon of medicine, Zakhireh kharazmshahi, Tibbe Akbari, Kholasat al-hekmat, Mojarabat, Al-mokhtarat fi al-tib and Exire Aazam. Many relevant abstracts and articles in the above mentioned areas were selected from Pub Med and Google Scholar which were published during 2003 to 2015. Articles selected for detailed review included review articles and clinical trial studies in humans. In ITM, Asthma is caused due to accumulation of thick secretions (Balghame ghaliz) in the airways. Exercise is recommended as an adjuvant therapy for asthma. In ITM’s view, exercise followed in proper manner, increases the body heat which by diluting the secretions helps the process of expulsion. In ITM, Exercise has an assisting role in the management of asthma, in other words following recommended exercises in their proper conditions can result in improved respiratory functions in patients. Ultimately, ITM recommendations along with modern medical management can improve the quality of life in asthma patients, an interesting subject that demands further research in the future.
Kayi (cauterization) involves the branding of non-healing lesions or any body part with hot metals, oils, drugs or hot water. Kayi is prescribed in ancient Greco-Arabian medicine for treating a wide range of ailments including infections, cancers, dislocations and disorders of temperament. Ibn al-Qaf Masihi was a thirteenth century physician-surgeon who provided a comprehensive understanding into cauterization, its methodology and clinical applications. His treattise, Kitāb al ̒Umda Fī Şanā’t al-Jarrāḥ contains an extensive account of operative procedures, instruments and case reports on many surgical procedures including kayi. According to him, kayi is best done in spring season if there is no emergency, iron should be preferred for cautery over gold, and treatment by kayi should be attempted only if medicines are ineffective and proper evacuation of morbid humors has been carried out. Masihi advised cauterization of the head, face, neck, chest, abdomen and over affected lesions comprising of a total of 44 conditions including apoplexy, sciatica, delicate structures like eye in epiphora, nose etc.
2023 CiteScore: 1.1
pISSN: 2476-5104
eISSN: 2476-5112
Hossein Rezaeizadeh, MD, PhD.
Roja Rahimi, PharmD, PhD.
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