Isaaq Ibn Imran, A Physician of North Africa with a Look at His First Independent Work "Fi al-Mālikholiā" (Melancholy)
Medical knowledge has gone through many ups and downs in its historical background. The formation of medical schools existed in different areas of Islamic territory. The purpose of this research is to introduce the character of Isaaq Ibn Imran and the impact of his works on the evolution of medical knowledge in North Africa. The present paper was written with a descriptive-analytical approach and a library method. After collecting relevant information, historical sources were analyzed and classified. To get more information, many articles were read and a search was made in reputed databases. The knowledge and attitude of Muslim physicians were different according to the climatic characteristics. Social and political conditions were effective in the production of various works as well. Isaaq ibn Imran (d. 892) was one of the physicians born in Baghdad, who played an important role in the expansion of medical knowledge and philosophy in North Africa. The results of the research indicate that Ibn Imran is considered sheikh al-Attiba and a specialist physician, a pioneer of the school of medicine and pharmacy in North Africa. From all the works and writings that have been remembered by him in the field of medicine, he can be mentioned as a specialist in mental diseases among Muslims. His most important writing is the treatise "Fi al-Mālikholiā" among the first works on the treatment of mental disorders and the description of its therapeutic drugs, which there was no history of writing such a book by Muslim physicians.
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Issue | Vol 8, No 3, 2023 | |
Section | Historical Article | |
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Keywords | ||
Aghlabids Isaaq ibn Imran Medical history Melancholy North African medicine |
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