Review Article

Chronic Kidney Disease and Its Comparison with Hozal-e-Kolye in Persian Medicine


Chronic kidney disease (CKD) is recognized as a major global health problem, which is associated with numerous complications. This disease is characterized by kidney dysfunction and a reduced glomerular filtration rate. Among the main causes of this disease, we can refer to hypertension, diabetes, autoimmune diseases, and polycystic kidney disease. Despite the recent treatments, we are witnessing a rise in the cases of disease progression and the need for renal replacement therapy. The present study aimed to assess the causes and symptoms, as well as prevention and treatment options for Hozal-e-Kolye (kidney atrophy) in Persian medical texts and compare it with CKD. To conduct this study, the terms related to "Hozal-e-Kolye" were searched in reliable and available books of Persian medicine such as Al-Qanoon fi al-Tibb, Sharh-ol-asbab va al alamat, Zakhire -e kharazmshahi, Teb-e-Akbari and other resources. To examine the CKD, all reliable medical books, such as Harrison and Brenner, as well as PubMed, Science direct, and Scopus databases were used. Following that, a comparison was made between the extracted data on Hozal-e-Kolye and those about CKD. According to the results of this study, common points were seen between the causes and symptoms of Hozal-e-Kolye and chronic kidney disease. In Persian medicine, the treatment of Hozal-e-Kolye includes removing the causes of the disease,and then performing treatments to hydrate kidneys. These treatments can be used in CKD patients, based on the similarities between these two diseases. Considering the similarities in the causes and symptoms of Hozal-e-Kolye and CKD, these two diseases can be deemed close in nature, and accordingly, research ideas can be designed and implemented to prevent and help treat CKD.

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IssueVol 8, No 3, 2023 QRcode
SectionReview Article(s)
Chronic kidney disease Hozal-e-Kolye Persian medicine

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How to Cite
Meghdadi S, Hosseini A, Kamalinejad M, Yousofpour M. Chronic Kidney Disease and Its Comparison with Hozal-e-Kolye in Persian Medicine. Trad Integr Med. 2023;8(3):292-298.