Comparison of Horse and Cow Milk on the Symptoms of Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder in Children: A Cross-Over Clinical Trial Study
Numerous researchers have examined the effect of diet on Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder (ADHD). The purpose of this study is to compare the symptoms of ADHD in children fed horse milk versus conventionally fed cow's milk. Thirty patients aged 6 to 14 with ADHD were randomly selected and divided into two groups in this randomized double-blind crossover study. All patients completed a 45-day period of consuming 250 mL horse or cow milk, as well as continued Ritalin (1 mg/kg) treatment. The wash out period was considered one week. Symptoms are recorded using the Conners rating scale (CS). The CS of the parents decreased significantly (P value≤0.001) in the group that first received horse milk, but increased (P value=0.007) after consuming cow's milk. After consumption of horse milk, the parent's CS was significantly different from that of cow milk (P value= 0.001). Teachers' CS decreased significantly following horse milk consumption (P=0.001) and increased significantly following cow milk consumption (P=0.028) in this group. The average teacher's CS after cow milk differed significantly from that after horse milk (P value= 0.024). The CS of the parents did not change significantly (P value=0.913) in the group that first consumed cow's milk. However, it was significantly decreased (P value=0.004) after receiving horse milk. The CS of the teachers in this group did not change after the cow's milk (P value=0.282). However, following the administration of horse milk, the mean of CS decreased significantly (P=0.003). The average of the teacher's CS after consuming cow milk differed significantly from that of horse milk (P value= 0.010). In both groups, there was no significant difference in the mean of parents and teachers CS before and after the washout period (P>0.05). According to the study, horse milk consumption was significantly more effective than cow milk at lowering scores.
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Issue | Vol 8, No 1, 2023 | |
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Attention deficit disorder with hyperactivity Diet Milk Complementary therapies Integrative medicine Traditional persian medicine |
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