Research Article

Entrepreneurship Based on Traditional Iranian Medicine Manuscripts: Winter Startup 2016 by Phytopharmaceutical Technology and Traditional Medicine Incubator (Shiraz)


Ancient and medieval medical Iranian manuscripts are of great importance for research and study in two academic fields of Traditional Iranian Medicine and Pharmacy. Nowadays, products based on these manuscripts such as monographs, databases, software packages, and statistical analyses for drug screening are predicted to have entrepreneurial potential. In winter 2016, Phytopharmaceutical Technology and Traditional Medicine Incubator held a one-week startup in order to train twenty undergraduate students how to use ancient medical manuscripts for writing one standard monograph of a medicinal plant. Also, they came up with productive ideas based on using manuscripts, and after that, they worked on writing a business plan and business model of their suggested product.

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IssueVol 2, No 1, 2017 QRcode
SectionResearch Article(s)
Traditional Iranian Medicine Medical Manuscripts Entrepreneurship Startup

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How to Cite
Badr P, Abolhassanzadeh Z, Aminsafaee M, Azadi A, Mohagheghzadeh A. Entrepreneurship Based on Traditional Iranian Medicine Manuscripts: Winter Startup 2016 by Phytopharmaceutical Technology and Traditional Medicine Incubator (Shiraz). Trad Integr Med. 2017;2(1):9-14.