Ethnopharmacological Survey of Plants Used for the Treatment of Female Sexual Dysfunction and Infertility in Ilorin, Nigeria
Over generations, several indigenous knowledge on the use of medicinal plants have been lost due to a lack of interest of the upcoming generation and reluctancy of the older generations to pass on their knowledge. This survey was set about to preserve and share the knowledge of the Ilorin Emirate Clan in the management of female sexual dysfunction and infertility (FSDI). The survey was conducted across three major markets (Shao, Jimba-Oja and Oke-Oyi) and ethnobotanical data on medicinal plants, mode of preparation, route of administration and demographic information were collected from volunteers using a semi-structured questionnaire, oral or virtual interviews. A total of 47 plant species belonging to 28 families were identified from 85 willing respondents. Phyllanthus amarus Schumach. & Thonn. was the most frequently cited plant with a citation frequency of 31.76% and a fidelity level of 57.75% whereas Xylopia aethiopica (Dunal) A.Rich. was the least cited plant with a citation frequency of 1.18% and a fidelity level of 1.12%. The highest informant consensus factor computed for Shao market, Jimba-Oja and Oke-Oyi were 0.93, 0.57 and 0.84 for P. amarus, Sarcocephalus latifolius (Sm.) E.A.Bruce and Cassia fistula L., respectively. This study provides a comprehensive insight into the medicinal plants in our society that are of importance in the management of female sexual dysfunction and infertility. The data collected would promote the conservation of invaluable indigenous knowledge and highlight a broad selection of medicinal plants that could be subjected to further pharmacological and clinical investigation for their potential role in the treatment of FSDI.
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Ethnopharmacology Female sexual dysfunction Infertility Traditional medicine Medicinal plants |
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