Review Article

Ideal Lifestyle to Have Healthy Lungs: Persian Medicine Viewpoint


Persian medicine introduces six essential principles to maintain health and improve the breathing of the patients with pulmonary diseases. Adherence to each of these principles plays an important role in having healthy lungs. The purpose of this study was to review the scientific evidence of the mentioned recommendations while discussing the Persian medicine recommendations. Accordingly, suggestions related to maintaining lung health were extracted from the main sources of Persian medicine. In addition, similar topics were searched in PubMed, Scopus, Google Scholar, Web of Science, and SID databases. Then, results were expressed separately in each aspect of the six essential principles. These recommendations which are the result of hundreds-of-years-experience of Iranian physicians could be useful; however, future experimental investigations are needed to approve their safety and efficacy along with the possible mechanisms of action.

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IssueVol 7, No 1, 2022 QRcode
SectionReview Article(s)
Lifestyle Pulmonary diseases Persian medicine Respiratory system Lung

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How to Cite
Abdolahinia A, Naseri M, Tahmasbi S, Adimi P, Sadr M, Velayati AA. Ideal Lifestyle to Have Healthy Lungs: Persian Medicine Viewpoint. Trad Integr Med. 2022;7(1):150-158.