Siman Mufrit: Concept, Pathophysiology and Management in Unani System of Medicine, A Review
In Unani literature obesity is termed as simanmufriṭand farbahῑby Unani scholars.SimanMufritis classified as a balghamῑ(phlegmatic) disease. Literally simanmufriṭmeans excess of shaḥm (fat). Excess of shaḥm is due to burūdat(coldness)and ruṭūbat(wetness). The factors which increase the burūdatand ruṭūbat in the body are cold foods and drinks, cold medicines, rest, sleep, excess of food, moderate degree of pleasure, ḥammām especially after meals etc. According to Jālῑnūs, farbahῑ is caused either due to innate cold temperament or due to excessive adoption of bāridtadābῑr (cold regimens). He mentioned that, themāddῑ (material) cause of excessive body fat is presence of dusūmat (viscous substances) in blood and fa‘ila (active) cause is burūdatdue to which dusūmat of blood, solidifies and gets deposited in the form of shaḥm. Almost every great Unani scholar has devoted some pages to this old age enemy in their classical texts. They have given detailed description and discussion of simanmufrit and its various pathological conditions, pathophysiology along with its management.
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Issue | Vol 5, No 1, 2020 | |
Section | Review Article(s) | |
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Siman mufriṭ; Shaḥm; Māddῑ; Fa‘ila |
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