Research Article

Novel Thermal-Therapy Protocol (SINA1.2) from Traditional Persian Medicine (TPM): A Pilot on Diabetic Rats


One of guilty pathologies in insulin resistance and type 2 diabetes mellitus (T2DM) is ectopic fat accumulation in organs like pancreas, liver and skeletal muscles due to fatty acid’s bad digestion. This situation corresponds much with a spectrum of illnesses named the Soo ul Qinya & Estesgha in Traditional Persian Medicine (TPM). We renamed and redefined the concept as “The Bad-Anbaasht Syndrome” meaning bad-deposition. One of its basic treatments mentioned is thermal-therapy which interestingly also shown to benefit T2DM in recent studies. We designed a novel protocol named SINA therapy to treat T2DM including sauna’s benefits but reducing its side effects and then performed an animal pilot study. Five Wistar rats made diabetic by high fat diet and low dose streptozotocin, were treated daily by month long SINA 1.2 treatment protocol (1 cc Oxymel gavage and then 30 min thermal therapy in 37 ̊C dry sauna incubator). Weight and blood glucose were measured at beginning and at the end. Although Mean weights increased significantly from 296 to 321 (paired T test, p = 0.022) but surprisingly the mean blood glucose lowered significantly from 200mg/dl to 127mg/dl (p = 0.049). According to results of this pilot study, SINA therapy 1.2 is probable to have benefits in treatment of T2DM, but yet needs further experimental and clinical evidence.

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IssueVol 4, No 3, 2019 QRcode
SectionResearch Article(s)
Diabetes; Insulin resistance; Persian medicine; Thermal-therapy; SINA therapy

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How to Cite
Sarbaz Hoseini Z, Asghari M, Heidari H, Mohammadbeigi A, Alizadeh Vaghasloo M. Novel Thermal-Therapy Protocol (SINA1.2) from Traditional Persian Medicine (TPM): A Pilot on Diabetic Rats. Trad Integr Med. 2019;4(3):102-108.