Health Risks of Synthetic Hair Dyes: Advantages of Natural Hair Dying Agents in Unani Medicine
Dying of hairs is customary cosmetic proceeding in all communities since immemorial time. There might be various reasons for hair coloring but the practice is very much alive in the society irrespective of creed and gender. The persons who are aesthetically sensitive give color to their hairs as per their choice.
There are various synthetic substances which are being used for dying hairs in requisite tones and shades but the Paraphenylene diamine (PPD) is the usual ingredient, utilized in preparation of these dyes. Studies revealed that use of these hair dyes related to allergic and respiratory disorders and even cancer. Whereas, the classical Unani medicine suggest considerable number of substances with promising results and safety. In this paper an attempt is made to highlight the health risks of the synthetic dying agents and presents various natural substances which are claimed to be safe and effective for toning and coloring of hairs according to Unani medicine.
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Files | ||
Issue | Vol 4, No 1, 2019 | |
Section | Review Article(s) | |
DOI | | |
Keywords | ||
Synthetic hair dyes; Paraphenylene diamine; Health risks; Natural substances |
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