A New Strategy for Treatment of Chronic Wounds according to Persian Medicine: An Evidence- Based Review
Chronic wounds reduce patient's quality of life by complications such as pain, secretions, and reduction of movement and impose large costs to health system. Thus, looking for treatment methods with higher success and less complications seems to be necessary. In Persian medicine, a variety of specific nutrients and medicinal plants have been recommended for chronic wounds. The aim of present study is to scientifically evaluate the nutrients and medicinal plants claimed to be effective for chronic wounds in Persian medicine. Nutrients and medicinal plants recommended for chronic wounds in Persian medicine have been extracted from corresponding literatures. The obtained items were individually searched in electronic databases to obtain any in vitro, animal, or clinical evidence of their efficacy and possible underlying mechanisms. The treatment of chronic wounds in Persian medicine consists of three steps .At first step some special foods like egg yolk and fig with special characteristics such as hematopoietic effect and antimicrobial activity are recommended. Administration of natural remedies in order to reduce internal inflammation and improve wound healing process such as Crocus sativus and Aloe vera consists of the second step. Finally the third step includes the use of topical natural agents that affects various stages of wound healing and can complete the wound healing process. According to Persian medicine, administration nutrients and medicinal plants is prior to topical treatments for management of chronic wounds. This strategy provides a new approach for management of chronic wounds and seems to be more useful than conventional treatment which is mostly focused on topical treatment
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Issue | Vol 3, No 3, 2018 | |
Section | Review Article(s) | |
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Persian medicine; Chronic wound; Medicinal plant; Nutrition; Homeostasis |
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