Grief Management based on Persian Medicine
Grief is an unavoidable emotional reaction against the death of beloved ones that can lead to psychiatric disorders. Persian medicine (PM) scholars have made considerable recommendations regarding emotional reactions including grief. This research was carried out by studying outstanding PM textbooks (Canon of Medicine, Zakhireye Kharazmshahi, ExirAzamand kholasa al hekma) with specific keywords related to the emotional reaction, then a series of database queries (PubMed, Scopus and Science Direct) were performed to reconfirm the efficacy of PM recommendations by conventional medicine. PM physicians considered emotional reactions as one of the most important factors in physical or mental dysfunction. They treated bereaved patients based on their mental and cardiovascular conditions. They used a combination of appropriate nutrition, herbal medicines (Amygdalus communis L., Cinnamomum zylanicum, Crocus sativus L., Cydonia oblonga etc.), physical movement (exercise, massage therapy, game etc.) and psychotherapy (music therapy, aromatherapy etc.) for grief resolution. PM is one of the old paradigms of medicine that can improve psychological and physical complications of grief. Grief is one of the debilitative emotions that can influence patient quality of life so it is important and necessary that health authorities and physicians employ the total potential of medical science for patients’ treatment and rehabilitation.
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Issue | Vol 3, No 4, 2018 | |
Section | Short Communication(s) | |
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Persian medicine; Grief; Psychiatric disorder; Herbal medicine |
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